Zwiss Tools (for windows)
Ignacio Cabrera Peña
Swiss tools is a collection of small scripts and utilities that I have been using for a while and I compiled as a Plugin for Zbrush. It’s intended for windows only, although some functionalities are ZScript and should also work on Mac too.
Camera Control.
- Set camera's orientation with precise vertical and horizontal spherical coordinates.
- Set Zoom with precise numerical value.
- Orient the camera normal to any mesh surface of the face. (Useful for texturing).
- Set camera orientation so it matches the Transpose Line.
- Works on Win and Mac.
Drag Master.
- Emulates a canvas stroke with precise Length and Direction.
- Randomize Length and Direction.
- Select Insert Multi Mesh.
- Randomize Selected mesh.
- Works on Win and Mac.
Brush Cycler.
- Cycle through a selection of brushes in a 3X3 grid.
- Option to display an overlay with selected brushes.
- Customizable selection of brushes and overlays.
- Quickly select your favorite brushes with custom hotkeys or using the arrow keys.
- Quick toggle from Move brush to current brush and viceversa with hotkey. It remembers brush size.
- Works on Win and Mac.
Transpose Tools.
- Set and Get Transpose Line's Position with precise values.
- Set and Get Transpose Line's Orientation with precise values.
- Set and Get Transpose Line's Length with precise values.
- Generates Quick Mesh with the same length, position and orientation as the Transpose Line.
- Paste a subtool with the same length, position and orientation as the Transpose Line.
- Spin around the Transpose line axis with precise angle values.
- Works on Win and Mac.
ZSphere Tools.
- Trim all ZSpheres children from selected ZSphere.
- Convenience sliders for deformations specific for ZSpheres.
- Fade Radius size with a hierarchy falloff from Parent to children.
- Adds a new segment with the same Length and Orientation of the selected zsphere with its parent and with the same radius falloff.
- Generates a Convex Hull using ZSpheres as 3D points . (Windos Only)
- Remesh with even triangles. Creates a new subtool with evenly spaced triangles of similar size that keeps the hard edges and shape.
- Remesh for Cloth creates a new Subtool extracted from the masked part of the model.
- Choose from original mesh, ZRemesher and Even triangles (Better for Cloth brushes and simulation).
- Precise remeshing creates a new subtool based on a distance field allowing to get a precise offset from the original mesh.
- Convex Shape generates meshes from random points cloud.
- Windows Only.
Curve Tools.
- Transpose Catenary creates a catenary curve from the two extremes of the Transpose Line.
- Controls for Catenary tension and randomize vertical angle.
- FiberMesh to curves. Creates a new curves set from the active Fibermesh. Only a maximum of 5000 curves are allowed.
- Sliders for FiberMesh count and Segments.
- Windows Only.
- Append a rigged stylized character as a new subtool.
- Quickly explore character design, proportions and poses.
- Sliders for ZSphere a Mesh layers.
- Randomize layers.
- Works on Win and Mac.
ZBrush 2023 Compatibility
- Issue Fixed: The plugin previously faced crashes with ZBrush 2023 due to modifications in the GoZ file format.
- I've updated the plugin to address this, ensuring our software now seamlessly interacts with ZBrush 2023 without crashes.
- For those on ZBrush 2023, please download and install the "ZwissToolsZB23" zipped file available in the download section. This version is optimized for the latest changes in ZBrush 2023.
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